Nov 13, 2007

Let's Play !!!

It's MY Birthday !!!
Speaking of birthdays, I am feeling generous and in a "gift giving" mood and with my counter getting close to 7,000 I am giving away this Blog Candy !!!!!

So when I say Let's Play,it's not about guessing my age. I wanted you to GUESS THE DAY I WAS BORN in November? There are only 30 days in November, so this should be easy. Here's how to play:

1. Only one guess per person
2. If no one guess the exact date, the closest date will be chosen.
3. If there is a tie, then the winner will be chosen in random.
4. The only restriction apply to those who know me. (you know who you are)
5. Please put your answers on this post !
6. The winner will be announced on November 20, 2007 at 5:00 PM (Az Time)
7. Open to all that have US and Canada address

Here is the Blog Prize for the Winner!!!!
So Very Stamp set !!!!!!

I will also give a surprise handstamped gift !!!

So, what are you waiting for and start guessing !!!


Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

November 20th. I hope I'm close! (Happy Birthday!!!)

~Denise Lynn~ said...

This is a great idea! I might have to CASE this for my blog! ~Denise

Alhambra Club said...

My deductive reasoning tells me November 19th, not that my deductive reasoning has helped me in the past but will stick with that date

Michelle said...

I'll guess November 7th! My birthday is in November too. What a great game!

Donna C. said...

My guess is November 20. I am SO hoping I got it right!

stampin chick said...

My guess is November 18th!!
Happy Birthday whenever it is and thanks for the fun!!

Carie said...

I am going to guess the 14th. Happy Birthday!!

Cathy M said...

Count me in on this SU stamp set birthday celebration!
I'm going to guess November 20th...why you ask? Cuz you always get presents on your special day. So I think you are going to give a present to 1 lucky stamper....and I hope it's ME ME ME!!! on your special day.
Happy Birthday and I hope it's as special as you!
Thanks for a chance.

Yosha said...

I am going with Nov 14, mostly since it's my birthday too!!!

Either way hope you have (had?!) a great birthday!!!



Tricia said...

November 8th? Happy Birthday!

Nicole S. said...

I'll guess November 15th? BTW, your blog heading was a SUPER idea--love it, love it, LOVE IT!

Suzanne said...

I'm going to guess Nov 29 since it's MY b-day too! It's always fun to meet people with the same b-day as you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, by the way!

Char in So Cal said...

I will say that your birthday is November 12... but why stop at just one day?! You should celebrate the whole month! {grin!}

Birthday Hugs,

Char in So Cal

Maren said...

How about the 16th?
Happy B-Day!

Vivian Swain said...

My guess is November 27.

Vivain Swain

Anonymous said...

My guess is November 22.
Happy Birthday!
Linda Peterson

pescbrico said...

My bet is november 13th... and as I don't want to take any chance! Happy birthday to you! :)

Scott Franson Photography said...

Happy Birthday! Great blog. I'm guessing that since you wrote today is your birthday that November 13 is your birthday.

Bellawhoop said...

I'll guess the 25th since that is mine. :) Happy birthday!
Night Owl Stamper

Shelby said...

I'm going to guess November 13th as well...

No matter when it is, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Itworksforbobbi said...

I guess November 13th! Hope I'm right - those stamps are super-dee-duper cute!

Rosella said...

My guess will be Nov 21st. HAPPY BIRTHMONTH!

reflections:0) said...

25th. that my guess and I am sticking to it...LOL


stampersim said...

I'm going to say the 20th ... since that's the day you are picking the winner. I'm a November b'day too (the 2nd) so hope I'm the winner!! heehehhe.

Happy B'day .... whenever your special day is !!!!!!!

simmy :_)

Laura said...

Hiya Chat, weeelll I am going to guess the 8th. No rhyme or reason. Hey is there any chance I could get your addy? I would love to send a card:) Happy Birthday!


Jill said...

Nov 16th!!?? Happy birthday!
Love your blog :)

Jill K

Marla said...

I am guessing the 27th, November 27. Happy Birthday. This is fun, I hope I guessed it!

Dawn Easton said...

Oh how exciting Chat! guess would be November 21st?!
This is a fab birthday is next month, maybe I should do the same thing ;)

Pat S. said...

Hi! What a fun guessing game.
I think your birthday is Nov. 20.

Margie said...

My birthday is Nov. 26th so I am going to guess that day!

Lisa Burns said...

I'm going to guess Nov 16th! Happy Birthday Month to you :o)

~pl said...

I guess Nov 22 -- Happy Birthday!!

Courtney said...

My guess is November 19!! Happy birthday!


Cheryl KVD said...

I've been wanting that stamp set!! I'll guess Nov. 17, because that is my sisters' birthday. My birthday is Nov. 24, so this stamp set would be an awesome birthday present for me!!! Have a great birthday!
Cheryl KVD

Doris said...

My guess is Nov. 10th only because that's my grandson's birthday.


Monika said...

Happy Birthday and all the best to you. My guess is November 13. I hope I am right.

Emily said...

I'll guess the 17th because I like prime numbers and it has a good feel to it. Whenever it is, happy birthday!

Cindi said...

My guess is Nov. 7th. I love your site. Great ideas, thanks for sharing.

Brenmarie said...

Wow I guess November 17th!

Isn't it great to have a birthday in November and then have Christmas right after that. :P A lot of shopping and a lot of giving!

Tanja said...

I'm going to have to guess Nov. 12th. HOpe it was a great one, if I'm right! A surprise party!>? How awesome are your coworkers? Happy B-day!

Brenda H. said...

Wishing you an awesome birthday!! My guess is November 14th. Thanks for this chance to win...and for sharing all your amazing creations! 'Love your cards!
~Brenda H.

Linda SS said...

My guess is Nov. 19. Wishing you oodles of blessings on your big day:)

Jan Scholl said...

Nov 17, hope it is fun!

Lena said...

I am guessing November 21...but Happy Birthday in any case!! Lena

Soguesswhat11 said...

I guess the 22nd - why? Because it's Thanksgiving and you're feeling "thankful" to be alive and are paying it forward by being generous and giving others a reason to be thankful, too! Sound good? lol

Lastel said...

I'll say it's on the 24th. Happy Birthday to you on whatever day it is !

nancy said...

How fun...I love guessing games = )... I guess, hmmmmm, November....12th

Jessica said...

Happy Birthday! I guess the 13th. Thanks for the chance to win!

Alison said...

I'm going with lucky 13! Happy Birthday to you!

Amy said...

With 51 comments already and only 30 days in the month I guess I missed my chance! Hope you either have already had a happy birthday or that you will be having a happy birthday!

mary ann said...

I'm going to use Nov. 18th to wish you a happy birthday.

Tanya Straw said...

My guess is November 23. Have a great day!

JenMarie said...

I say the 20th!
Happy Birthday!!!!

Anonymous said...

The 12th? Mine is the 8th! happy b day!

Barbara Welch said...

Happy Birthday to a sweet, wonderful friend. I hope you enjoy your much needed trip. I am not guessing a day because I have known you for years. But I do want to wish you a Happy, Happy Birthday! This idea of a guessing game is an awesome one for blog candy. Congrats to the winner and I can't wait to see the handstamped gift that will accompany it. Don't forget to take a

twinangel96 said...

A very Happy Birthday to you ---thanks for sharing all of your ideas - all I can say about them is WOW! I guess your birthday is November 3. twinangel96

Kelly said...

My guess is the 15th. We have 4 November birthdays in my family - 10th, 14th, 18th, 21st. Busy month!

twinks said...

November 14th? :D

Nicole said...

I think it is Nov 12! Either way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!

Marisa said...

Ahhhh, Hawaii. Great place to vacation and the location of our honeymoon. I can still hear the surf, feel the sun and the sand between my toes :) Trust you had a wonderful time. My guess is Nov. 9th.

Debbie said...

Since my daughter's and my MIL's birthday are both on the 15th I'll go with that. Happy Birthday! :-)

LorieR said...

Happy Birthday! I'll guess November 13.

Rachel Hope said...

Hmmmm, the 13th????

Dale said...

If I have missed your birthday "Happy Belated Birthday" but if your birthday is November 17 then I am just in time to wish you a very "Happy Birthday"

Swamp Tulip said...

I'm guessing November 15th :)

Happy Birthday.


Jayme Downs said...

I'm going to say Nov. 15th. My best friend just had her baby that day. So that sounds like a great day for your birthday to be on. ;)

Happy Birthday!! And great candy you are offering us. :)

Pat (mspfd) said...

November 22 is my guess. Hope you have a happy day!

scrapfancy said...

Awesome idea and I pick the 24th for your big day. Happy Birthday.

scrapping4twins said...

The 12th?

Dale Anne Potter said...

I'm thinking November 30th.

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