
Jul 22, 2014

MDS Tuesday !!!

Hello Peeps !!!

Happy Tuesday !!!

If you live in Arizona, you definitely have to find time to stay COOL !!! One way to do that is hit the water park and with family for some bonding. I did a scrapbook page using MDS with simple and yet
bright colors for the summer. I incorporated some gray for my background and used it for my sentiments. Hope you like it.

Thanks for stopping by.
Have a wonderful day stampin'


  1. A gorgeous layout smacking of summer. Love all the summer elements and the precious photos.
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    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. I LOVE this page! All of the elements of it coordinate perfectly, while allowing the photo to take center stage. I may just be casing this one! Thanks so much for sharing your creativity!

  3. Great page, Chat! I especially like the bkgrd sun rays and the hanging and flag banners at the top. Nice, colorful pics, too. Looks like a fun time was had by all. :)

  4. such a fun summer time page, love the rays and the banners, perfect colors... I haven't been to a water park in quite a few years.


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