
Mar 2, 2014

March 2014 Starburst Sayings Kit Tutorial

Hello Peeps !!!

Happy Sunday !!!

I am so excited to share another tutorial that I think you will totally enjoy creating- using the Starburst Sayings and the Starburst framelits dies. I also used bright colors that would cheer up any occasion. I have created 4 cards and a 3-d item with step by step instructions and pictures that are so easy to follow. The tutorial will come to you in a PDF format first week of March. If you already subscribed to my 3-month tutorials, you will get your tutorial first week of March.
 If you have not purchase my quarterly, here's how to order:

1. The cost for the 3-month tutorial is $10.00 and you will get the January Tutorial Love You More/Follow My Heart for FREE. You need to purchase the February, March and April to take advantage of the FREE tutorial.
2. If you just want to get the March tutorial 2014, it's only $3.95
3. March Kit assembled. Minor Assembly required because of shipping.
4. Pre-Cut Kits (CLICK HERE) to know more about the Pre-cut kits.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Have a wonderful day stampin'

March 2014 Starburst Sayings


  1. Hi Chat, I am a subscriber to your pdfs , i deleted February's by mistake !!! Is it possible to resend it? This months is very cute. Thank you, Mary Hove.

  2. Hi Chat, I subscribe to your pdfs, by mistake I deleted Febuarys file! Would it be possible to resend it? Thank you, Mary Hove


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