
May 11, 2011

Stampin' Up Happy Together

Hello Peeps !!!

Happy Wednesday !!!

I made this card to everyone celebrating their May birthdays, including
my sister ( May 18) and my "big" friend Maya ( May 10) have May birthdays. I just got a text from my sister and she loves her Brighton ensemble. She got her early birthday present because of  Mother's Day. I do this every year since she fell in love with Brighton.
Maya is my classmate from college - great and bestfriend ever . Yesterday was her birthday and  I meant to post something that I found in my clippings years and years ago  but could not remember  where I put it. Finally this morning, I found what I was looking for. I will just let you read it and I am sure she will get a kick out of this.

A Birthday Thought
by Maya

Days come and go
Each day not making one any younger
Each day is a day to live by,
A day either to be cherished
or to be forgotten
For days passing by maybe so satisfying
or be so annoying
Think neither of the satisfying days or
the annoying days that have passed;
Past is past...fruitful or fruitless
It will never come back
Think of the present and
Visualize the future...


  1. This card is absolutely 'yummy', especially that big brown satin bow.

  2. So pretty and cheery!


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I appreciate YOU!