
Jul 25, 2009

Blog Candy !!!

Hello and Good morning !!!

I am celebrating 500,000 hits in my blog.
What better way to celebrate in July with some Christmas goodies.
2 Stampin'UP sets-
On Angel's Wings
Winter Play
Stampin' UP Designer Series paper
cardstock papers
3 packets of stickers
Christmas stencil tags
rub on alphabets
ribbon, gold brads
snowflake buttons

Just leave a comment on my blog and if you can add me to the people you follow. I would really appreciate it. I would do a random drawing on July 31st and announce the winner August 1st.
(Blog Candy open to US and Canada residents).
Thank you for making this blog a place where you can visit and enjoy some creativity.
It is so rewarding for me to be able to do this blogging "journey" with all of you and to be able to share my work, but more than anything, I truly enjoy the company of wonderful bloggers whose passion I share.

Thank you so much for stopping by.


  1. Wow, 500,000 hits? Congratulations! I have you in my Google reader and read all your posts that way. Great blog.

  2. Wow, that's awesome. I follow you in my Google Reader. Congrats on 500,000!

  3. holy-moly GF! You are a terrific stamper! and of course I can see why 500,000 hits from curious people have hit your blog....lots of talent and creativity going on here. We love it!! Keep it coming! Congrats! And what fab blogcandy! :)

  4. Wow, congrats my mother and I love your web site. I look at it everyday and you have inspired me with some great ideas. Keep it up.

    Danella Cramlet

  5. Congratulations, Chat!!! I have been your follower since I bought one of your Stamp Kit to Go. Your designs are amazing and that is why we keep coming back to you read your blog. Continued success.

  6. Great candy!! Maybe if I win I will get started on my Christmas cards, I always say I will and then comes Nov.(or even Dec.) and I'm rushing around trying to get them done. So winning would be a great thing.

  7. I love your blog and you're on my google reader.
    Congrats !
    (excuse my english, I speak french and my english is not good, but I try !)

  8. Hi Chat,
    Congrats!! :) You are really an inspiration for me. I love coming to your blog to see what you're making and what creative project you have to share! Looking forward to more of your creative genius! :)

  9. 500,000 hits is fantastic. not a surprise though as i have been reading your post through Google Reader for over a year. i always find something that inspires me. thanks for sharing your creativity and of course this yummy blog candy.

  10. Congrats, congrats, congrats!!! 500K! That's a big number! But you deserve it! I enjoy your blog so much! I follow you in my google reader! Thanks for sharing your creativity with us!

  11. Congrats on the big hits! You are in my reader makes my life so easy to keep up and learn from those I adore the works of...


  12. Love your blog! I keep you on my google reader so I don't miss a post. Congrats on the 500,000 hits!

  13. Congrats on 500,000 hits. I always enjoy your creations! Thanks for a chance at the blog candy...Merry Christmas in July!

  14. I have been visiting your blog this summer - what fun projects/cards you have created. You have inspired me and I am sure many others. Congratulations on your 500,000 hit...may this be one of many more celebrations to come for all of us!!!

  15. Your blog is the first one I check everyday. Your style is really inspiring.

  16. Congrats! I can see why you have so many hits - you are super talented! And what great candy - I would love to win it!!!

  17. Thank you for the inspiration you so generousely share with us. Sometimes I even just leave your site up for the music. thanks again

  18. Wow!!! 500,00 hits!! Congrats! I absolutely love your blog and all that you share! Thanks for your inspiration and great ideas! Got you in my Google reader, for sure! =) Thanks again!

  19. OMG, 500,000 hits, That is awesome. Congratulations and thanks for a chance at the blog candy. I really enjoy visiting your blog each day and seeing all of your great projects. They are very inspiring.

  20. woww- 500,000- this is great- you have a wonderful blog- i love to learn from you, and enjoy it very much

    i wish you -no no no- i wish us the reader- continue enjoy and learn from your amazing blog.

    thank you

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Congrats on such a momentous number!! thanks for the chance to win. I have you on my google reader list, so I follow you that way!
    (I deleted my first post, as I made a mistake in the name of the blog reader I use now!)

  23. This is an awesome feat. Congrats on 500,000 hits! I read your blog on Bloglines every day. I would be so excited to win your blog candy.
    Connie H.

  24. Goodness sakes! 500,000, that's a TON! Congrats & keep up the good work!!

  25. Congrats o all of your blog hits. I enjoy visiting your blog regularly and can understand why so many come back to see your projects...they are wonderful!!! laura j

  26. WOW! Congrats! I'm so inspired with your blog. Thanks so much for sharing and this blog candy opportunity.

  27. Congrats on 500 hits Your blog is so amazing so im not really surprised. Good luck on 500 more and thanks for the inspiration and the chance to win great products.

  28. Congrats on hitting 500,000 hits! That is a huge accomplishment. I love your blog and look forward to seeing what you always come up with.

  29. grats on 500,000 hits!! That's great!
    Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful candy.
    I'm already a follower.

  30. Congrat on 500,000 hits. I have you in my google Reader. Thanks for sharing and thanks for a chance to win some candy.

    pscole3467 at gmail dot com

  31. Congrats on your 500,000th hit. I have you in my favorites and love your 'clean and fresh' ideas. Keep em coming and here's to the next 500,000!!!

  32. Cngratulations on such a memorable milestone! I am not surprised though as you have wonderful fresh ideas and are so good with colors. I follow you on my Google Reader. Best wishes to you! they are well deserved!

  33. Congrats on 500,000 hits. Thanks for a chance at the blog candy.I am a follower and have put a link to you on my sidebar.

  34. Congrats on the 500,000 hits, Chat! It certainly doesn't surprise me. I thought I already was a follower because I have your blog in my blog roll, but I have now added myself to your followers. Your blog candy is very generous!

  35. How totally wonderful! Congrats to you, Chat! I've been following you ever since we got to meet in person at convention last year . . . but I'll go make it official!
    Congrats again!! You do a great job with your blog and all of your awesome creations!

  36. Congratulations on 500 000 hits! That's AMAZING. I have yet to hit 500!! You have been on my Google Reader for awhile now. I enjoy all your creations. Thank you so much for sharing!

  37. Chat you are one of my favorite blogs that i visited everyday i love your work. i have u in my followers list. so that i can keep up with you Congrates on 500,000 hits and there is more to come

  38. I would love to win this. Thanks for the chance. WOW, 500,000 thats alot.

  39. Congrats on 500K hits! I have you in my reader AND became a follower so i won't miss a post!

  40. Love you site. Look eveyday. You do great work. I get inspired from your work.

  41. Congratulations on your 500,000 hits. I am probably one blog follower that checks you blog every day and sometimes more than once a day. Keep on inspiring all of us.

  42. Congrates wow 500000 hits. No woderwhy a great blog you have.

  43. Chat- Congratulations on reaching the huge number of hits!! I wont enter your draw as I am in Australia but you know what I think of your blog and your work! Love it all! I have tried desperately to add myself to your followers list but it wont let me!

    Hugss, Jean

  44. What a generous blog candy1 Congrats on the wonderful milestone!

    barb hendrickson

  45. Wow congratulations on so many hits! What is your secret? Hardly anyone follows my blog and I haven't got a clue how many hits I've got! Great blog candy, thanks for offering me a chance to win it! Niki x

  46. Congratulations on reaching 500,000 hits, fantastic. Oh boy would I like to win the blog candy???

    Youare already in my google reader.


  47. Margaret Anne ClarkJuly 26, 2009 at 2:09 AM

    I check in daily to see what amazingness you have created - thanks for the inspiration !! xx

  48. Oh yes, you don't have to ask me twice to add your blog to my favorites list. It's one of the first ones I check on each morning. I really appreciate your updating it so often; keeps it fresh and exciting. Thanks for the time and effort it takes to do this.

  49. Congrats on your 500,000 hits! I visit your blog often for inspiration and ideas. Thanks for the chance to win the blog candy

  50. Congrats on all the hits. I love your blog and follow you in Goggle Reader.

  51. I just love love your blog.....I check in everyday......I feel like I missed something if I don't see what you have for new ideas :) thanks for offering the blog candy.......


  52. I just love your blog I can see why you have 500,000 hits!! Congratulations!

  53. 500000 Hits... Darn you are not my little secret... I love your creativity. You are an inspiration to me!

  54. Congrats on 500,000 hits! Woo hoo..that's awesome!

  55. Congratulations! Wonderful blog candy! Wonderful site! I look at it every day!

    Barbara Diane

  56. Wow!! congrats Chat. I love "checking in" for inspiration. Your blog is just great. Thanks for the chance to win such an aweson candy.

  57. This is one of my favorite blogs to stalk! Cards and ideas are always fantastic and your music choices are dead-on!

  58. Congrats on your 500,000 hits. That just shows this is one heck of a great blog! Thanks for the chance to win your candy.

  59. Congratulations on that big number! I have been following your blog awhile and can see how you have so many hits. You really do have a great blog. Thanks for the chance to win some terrific blog candy!

  60. 500,000 hits just shows how talented you are ,love your work.Keep up the good work. Also love the blog candy and a chance to win.
    Jocelan P

  61. Big congrats on your hits, very well deserved! I have been a Follower/stalker of yours for awhile. I also have you under my's to the next 500,000 hits!

  62. Love your blog! I visit everyday and enjoy seeing your wonderful crafty creations. Thanks for all your inspiration! Jill

  63. Congrats! 500K that's great!!
    Great looking candy, I hope I win!!
    I've been following you for some time now and love your work.

  64. how exciting! this world of blogging is to fun! I check your blog out almost every day! ;) I love your layouts and color combos! keep up the great posts!

  65. Hi Chat!
    I like your blog!
    Congratulations! and thank you!

  66. Congrats on the hits!
    I have been a subscriber for quite some time. I just don't comment nearly enough. I love my google reader!

  67. Congrats on 500,000 hits! I just found your blog and am blown away by your creations. Keep up the fantastic work and thanks =)

  68. Thanks for all of your great projects. I love the magnetic memo pad. Congrats on 500,000 hits, how do you ever read them all?

  69. 500k, well done! Hope you see lots more of your ideas. Thanks!

  70. Pick me!! Pick me!!I love
    Christmas sooooo much that
    I would have Christmas all

  71. Congratulations on your blog - it is easy to see why you have so many hits on it. I love this blog - I visit your blog weekly - it is a great source of inspiration. You have incredible ideas and projects. I love it!! Keep up the great work.

  72. You have so many people following you. Your creativity is awesome...leaving us wanting more. How about candy now???


  73. 500,000 hits is awesome! Congratulations and thanks for your inspiration!

  74. Congrats on 500,000! I look at your blog daily and have found numerous inspriations to help me create new designs.
    Keep doing what you do! I love it.

  75. Just found your Blog and love it. I have it bookmarked and will be back often. I am loving the cards and things that you make, giving me real inspiration here. Thanks so much. Have many happy stamping days ahead.

    Trish in Wisconsin
    TriboHearts on SCS

  76. Congrats on all the hits!!! I am a long time follower of your wonderful blog. Thank you for the chance to win.

  77. Just started a blog and can't imagine ever having 500,000 hits. Congrats!! Love your blog and visit often. Thanks for sharing your creativity and for the opportunity to win some blog candy.

  78. Congrats on 500,000 hits! Love your cards and will be checking back often for inspiration.

  79. Congratulations on your accomplishment! I can see why so many people stop by to be inspired by you! You are extremely talented! Thanks so much for the oppurtunity to win these amazing prizes!I will definitely add you to my favorites list and stop by as much as I can!

  80. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  81. I love your blog and subscribe to make sure I don't miss a thing! Thanks for all your inspiration!

  82. Wow! 500,000 hits is an awesome milestone. Congratulations. I subscribed to your blog quite some time ago and look forward to seeing new posts. Thanks for the chance to win some Christmas in July blog candy. jmniffer

  83. Wow! Congrats on 500,000 hits! I already am one of your followers! Thanks for all of your inspiration!

  84. I love your site. You have a lot of great ideas. Thanks for a chance to win some candy!!!

  85. Hi Chat,
    Congrats on 500,000 hits!! I've been visiting for sometime now but don't often leave comments. I've always enjoyed your style of cardmaking and I think you make the best looking flowers!! Your color combos lately have been quite impressive. Keep up the great work and thanks for all the sharing you do! Sheila

  86. Congras with 500k hits! Pretty large accomplishment. I added your blog to my daily list about 2 months ago & am inspired by many of your designs.

  87. I follow you at work (don't tell!), Love your stuff!

  88. Hi Chat aka nitestamper
    congrats on some amazing hits and the chance to win this exciting christmas candy. i have pic linked you on my right side blog bar
    hugs Debra

  89. What a cute snowman stamp set! Congrats on your blog hits. I have been following your blog for a while now and enjoy every post. Keep it coming!

  90. Thanks for the great blog and congratulations on 500,000 hits. That is just amazing to me.

  91. Congratulations 500,000 hits
    I have you on my list of sites
    I follow.
    Your so creative and I love
    everything you do.

  92. Well, I bet I am at least 1000 or more of those hits. I love your blog, the music, your creativity and your inspiration. Thank you for sharing with me!

  93. I love your blog. I have it bookmarked and always look to see what new creations you have.

    Congratulations on having 500,000 hits!

  94. 500.000 hits, a number I can only dream of. But you have so many inspiring ideas that every visit is a highlight for me.

  95. 50,000 hits thats just awesome but then i can see why as your blog is fab, i would love the yummy candy hun, i m already a follower.



  96. Wow! 500,000 hits - Thats great. I check your site almost everyday and enjoy your ideas. What great blog candy!

  97. I found your site about a year ago and I love it. You are so creative. Congrats!!

  98. Congratulations on such a huge milestone. Half of a million views is pretty amazing. I really appreciate all that you share. I have your blog on my blog's blog list for all of my viewers to come visit you.

  99. Wow what fab blog candy, i love SU goodies. I think your blog is amazing and always visit for inspiration.
    Hugs Sonia xx

  100. Wow, great job. LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! I follow you and yur very blessed to be so creativty.

    Thanks Ylita

  101. You hold first place in my SU folder! thanks for all your creativity-you are inspiring!

  102. Love your fresh ideas and wonderful color combos.Thanks for the inspiration.

    Katie B.

  103. Congratulations on 500,000 hits! I am a follower and enjoy looking at your creations!

  104. Congratulations! I just love your blog and all your wonderful ideas! Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy!

  105. Congratulations! I just love your blog and all your wonderful ideas! Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy!

  106. Congrats on all your hits. Thanks for sharing your creativity and ideas.

  107. Wow, Chat, you're my stamping idol!! I found your blog about a month ago and immediately marked your site to my favorites on my blog. I know many of my stamping friends have since enjoyed all the projects posted on your site. Keep up the great job and until next time, happy stamping!!!!

  108. Hi just found your blog today! I look forward to back tracking!

  109. Great blog. Thanks for all of the wonderful inspiration.

  110. Congrats, Chat! Wow, 500,000 hits! Way to go, girl!

  111. Congrats for 500,000. Thanks for the great ideas.

  112. CONGRATS You are such a success!! Thanks for giving all of us the opportunity to win some yummy blog candy!

  113. Congratulations! I love reading your blog and look forward to your creations.

  114. Congrats on hitting 500,000. Heres to 500,000 more.
    Aron C.(

  115. Congrats Chat on the 500,000 hits- that's huge! You create the most amazing cards and projects and are such an inspiration to follow!

  116. I have subscribed to your blog - just love your work. No wonder you've had so many hits! Keep up the good work.

  117. Great site, I love to look and I like your ideas! I cehck often!

  118. Congratulations!! I have enjoyed your blog ever since I found it a year ago. You are very talented and I enjoy your style

    Leslie McGahie

  119. wow! congratulations on reaching the milestone! Here's looking at many more! thanks for the chance to win!

  120. I read you site every day, wonderful, congratulations on 500,000 hits, its an amazing blog

  121. Chat-

    Congratulations on your 500k hits! That is awesome! I love your blog and always look forward to seeing your next project. Your style of stamping is in a class of it's own. Every thing is line up perfectly and the details are just stunning. Thank you for sharing your beautiful creations:)

    Julie A.

  122. Chat, congratulations to you! 500,000 hits is an amazing number. It's no surprise though. Your work is gorgeous and you're so willing to share. I look forward to seeing what you come up with next!

  123. Wow! This is very generous of you. This is my first time I have been to your blog. Your work is beautiful.


  124. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I love candy. Thanks for being so creative and inspirational. I signed up to follow a couple weeks ago. Been visiting your blog for months.

  125. Congrats on your 500,000 hits!!! I have been visiting your blog a lot. I have helped with that number, and will continue. You have great artworks and I thank you for sharing.

  126. Chat your work is amazing and inspires so many card creators.Thanks for all you do to inspire me!

  127. Congratulations on 500,000 hits! I am sure all my visits to your blog have helped! I visit you daily. Love your blog and all your wonderful cards. You are so creative. Thanks so much for sharing. Great candy!

  128. I have only recently found your site and I am so glad I did. I love your clean lines and really love your fun gifts you have made. I am going to case your magnetic memo pad idea! I am in a bible study and these will be perfect for all the gals. Thank you so much for sharing your talent.

  129. What a great blog!I do enjoy visiting ! Congratulations on 500,000 hits.

  130. Your talent is amazing! Love your blog and would LOVE to win some candy !!!

  131. Whoaa! 500,000 that's so AWESOME!! Congratulations!!
    By the way.. your blog is fantastic!
    I'd be honored to follow it!!


  132. Congratulations on 500,000 hits! I surely can understand why you have such a following! Your cards are always beautiful!

  133. Congratulations on the blog milestone! I have been following (and enjoying!!) for a while now in Google reader. Thanks for sharing your creativity.

    joyfuljan at bellsouth dot net

  134. Congrats on the milestone!
    I love your blog and visit it daily. Thanks for sharing your talents and inspiring me.

  135. You always have the cutest projects, I just love to visit your page. I can see why you have 500k hits! Keep up the inspiration.

  136. Congrats on 500,000 hits! Love your site and the wonderful projects that inspire me! Keep it going!

  137. Congratulations for such a big milestone! Your creation is always so inspiring & beautiful! Thank you for sharing with us!

  138. Congratulations on 500,000 hits.
    I love your blog site and visit it often. You keep me inspired to do
    more. This is great Blog Candy and I hope if I win it will get me a head start on my holiday cards.

  139. Gorgeous blog candy! I've been getting your updates through feedblitz for along time now and always enjoy the quality of your work. Always nice, elegant and well made!
    Congrats on 500,000 hits!

  140. Love your work I read you in a reader and think your color sense is the best around!!!

  141. Congratulations on 500,000 hits. That is awesome. I really enjoy visiting your blog daily and seeing all your great creations. Thanks for sharing your talent and creativity.

  142. Congrats, 500,000 hits! I love checking out your blog, keep up the awesome work, the rest of us enjoy it!

  143. WOW, that is great. I love to look at your Blog. Thanks for always having wonderful eye candy ! You rock !

  144. Congrats on 500,000 hits!!! What a wonderful accomplishment. Your blog is wonderful and I can definitely see why everyone wants to pop over and see your amazing creations! Congrats and keep up with all the beautiful creations. We love to drool over them!!


  145. That's awesome...way to go. Your cards are fabulous. Here's to another 500K hits.

  146. Congrats on your 500,00 hits! I love your blog, your cards are so beautiful. I enjoy visiting every day. Thanks for all your great inspiration! Jill

  147. Congrats on your 500,00 hits! I love your blog, your cards are so beautiful. I enjoy visiting every day. Thanks for all your great inspiration! Jill

  148. Love your blog and the inspriration it provides. The music on the site makes it even more enjoyable when I stop by. Thanks for sharing your talent!

  149. I have been enjoying your website for some time now and you are an inspiration. I am amazed at how much you can do.Many kudos for fabulous designs and 500,00 hits.

  150. Fabulous, 500,000 hits. Congratulations. I visit your blog daily and love your creations.

  151. Congrats!!!! Love your cards and the inspiration I get from your blog.

  152. Congrats on the 500,000..that has come with alot of work on your part. I love your work!! have inspired me to do more.

  153. Thank you for the great oppurtunity to win some candy. I really enjoy visiting your blog, you have so many neat ideas.

  154. Hi, wow, 500,000 hits, that's fantastic!! I love your blog and have it in my feeds in googl reader. Always love what you do. Thanks for the inspiration.

  155. Congrats on so many hits! and thanks for the chance to win the candy! I love your cards and enjoyed the matchboxes you had decorated as well.

  156. Congrats on so many hits! and thanks for the chance to win the candy! I love your cards and enjoyed the matchboxes you had decorated as well.

  157. Lara's Laugh LinesJuly 31, 2009 at 6:00 PM

    500,000 hits..amazing!

    I LOVE your work and attention to detail. Viewing your art is always a beautiful highlight to my day!

    Thank You!

  158. hoping it's not to late Chat to wish you congratulations on the blogging milestone. Either way Congratulations!!

    Hugs - Jean Fitch


Thank you so much for your comments.
I appreciate YOU!