
May 23, 2009

Lemonade Stand Award

I got this award from a wonderful stamper that I met at Regionals. Her name is Linda Gutierrez and she is an AWESOME stamper !!! See her beautiful creation on her blog:
She gave me this for showing great blogging "attitude and gratitude".

My turn to pass this on to some of my blogging friends. Make sure you pass the lemonade stand with your blogging friends.
1. Lori
2. Angela
3. Chris
4. Julie
5. Keri
6. Jean
7. Heidi
8. Betty
9. Rose
10. Desire


  1. I am really honoured for you to pass this lovely award onto Doing Life. Thank you, we humbly accept and will make sure the lemon stand remains mobile in bloggy land. Hugs from Desire

  2. OOOH were you talking about giving that to me too. I'm so honored. Thank you soooo much. This is my first one. You are the best.

  3. Hi Chat! Thanks so much for the award - you are so sweet. I am so thankful to you for all the creative inspiration you give me!!!...I'm a BIG fan of you ;)


Thank you so much for your comments.
I appreciate YOU!