
Nov 27, 2008

Seven !!!

Hello and Happy Thanksgiving to you all !!!

I was really strucked by an e-mail that I got from a friend of mine. Nothing out of the ordinary but the content was totally awesome.
To make the long story short, it was about a teacher asking a group of students about writing a list of what they think are the Seven Wonders of the World ( Great Wall, Pyramids etc) and this girl in the group said that she was having trouble with her list because there were so many. When the teacher asked her what she has on her list, this is what she came up with:

1. To SEE...

2. To HEAR...

3. To TOUCH...

4. To TASTE...

5. To FEEL...

6. To LAUGH...

7. To LOVE...

The things we overlook that are simple and ordinary and sometimes taken for granted are truly wondrous-which only means that the most precious things in life cannot be built by hand or bought by man. How touching !!!
I thought this would be a nice way to pass on being Thanksgiving and all- We have a lot to be thankful for especially the family and friends that surround us.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. I got the same e-mail today! It was beautiful! I sent to to quite a few people. Happy THANKSgiving!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing these 7 wonders with me. Most of the time we take these for granted, which we should definitely no do. Thanks for the reminder to be THANKFUL!
    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving,
    from a Canadian blogging friend.

  3. That's beautiful!! Thank you so much for sharing it!!

  4. What a wonderful reminder! Hope you had a delightful holiday!

  5. That is so lovely, really makes you stop and think, children really do see things so clearly, and what are the most important things in life, Thank you for sharing that, I have a warm fuzzy feeling now :)


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I appreciate YOU!