
Dec 18, 2007

It's Here !!!

Spring-Summer 2008 Catalog
No more waiting for me - the new catalog is here...finally!!!
I had been sick the last couple of days and guess who kept me company- yep! my new catty.
The front cover is awesome and I just love the new design. Wait till you see what's inside!!!
So, if you have not ordered it yet, please call me to order your new Spring-Summer 2008 catty.
By January 2, 2008 you can start ordering from it.

A Special Invitation
If you order the Spring-Summer 2008 catalog from me along with a minimum of $25.00 net order, I will give free shipping in the U.S (till January 31, 2008).

I would love to hear from you.


  1. I'm so happy for you and anxious to get mine!!

  2. You are so lucky Chat, I do hope you are feeling better soon.

    Merry Chrismtas,
    Jennifer :)

  3. So glad you got it! My case was supposed to be delivered today but thankfully I got my demo copy last
    Hope you are feeling better! Don't want you to be sick for the holidays!!!

  4. Hope you're feeling better very very soon, Chat!


Thank you so much for your comments.
I appreciate YOU!